Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Office Suck-up

It is no small coincidence that the term "Suck-up" has the word "suck" in it. This person truly sucks. At office functions, he seeks out the highest-ranking person, and attaches himself, barnacle-like, to his subject. (S)He divides his time between laying on a fair amount of compliments and BS, and looking for even higher-ranking people. He can usually be detected by his unusually loud laughter accompanying the dumbest of his subject's jokes and his inability to leave his subject alone despite all attempts made to escape. This person is also the same one who will give no more than a cursory glance in your direction, despite spending all day speaking to you about god-knows-what. Chances are that this person would fart on the elevator, and then blame it on you.

Suckiness Rating: 7


Blogger Anjali said...

I have a nomination for a person who sucks at work. A recruiter called me today and said, "I have a perfect job for you, call me back." So I called him and he said, "Yeah, the hiring manager saw this other guy's work and was really impressed. But he wasn't available, and I couldn't think of anyone appropriate so I called you." Great.

8:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hands down, the Office Suck up is the suckiest. I'm going thru my own office suck up debacle right now... Thanks for creating this blog.

12:02 PM  

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